Introduction of a future Mechanical Engineer

Hello, my name is Edgar this is my second semester at OU. I’m happy to return after this wonderful Christmas break I had. I wanted to travel for the holidays but unfortunately, I was not able to, due to work. But, Instead I got to spend time with my family and friends. I am a mechanical engineer major, The thing I like the most about my major is that it is a broad field you get to work in so many areas and since I’m someone who likes to discover and learn new things, I feel like this is the perfect field for me. I know a lot of you guys are probably wondering what a mechanical engineer is doing here well like I said I like to learn about new things so here I am writing a blog.  Last semester I got to do a cool project which was building my own drone.

 During this semester which is the most important because of the courses I’m taking, I hope to accomplish all my courses with a good grade. My short-term goal is to learn something I have never learned before something totally new and interesting that is why I have chosen this course. I hope to finish this semester with a little knowledge concerning this course so that I can pass it on to my son one day.
As a long-term goal, I would love after graduating to meet a team of great people who I will enjoy working alongside on projects that interest me such as engines, turbine solar energy and many other things. Also, my dream is to become an engineer that has participated in discovering something that will change peoples lives. I will not complete this introduction without saying that I’m someone who likes to help others so my intention is to dedicate 15% of my life volunteering to a nonprofit organization. 


  1. Hi Edgar! It's good to see another engineering major here (I'm a senior in computer engineering). I think during your time at OU you will learn many new things. I love robotics so I think it's really cool that you built a drone last semester - I've been meaning to build my own drone for a while but haven't had the time. I also admire your commitment to serving as a volunteer, because the world needs more people who are as generous. Good luck with your studies!


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