
Time strategies

Last semester I decided to work on a fixed schedule that I had specifically established for that semester.   But, after one month I could not follow the schedule anymore. Think the reason was simply that I did not put priority on what comes first. Concerning education, there are priorities that one cannot ignore. The mistake that I was doing was postponing everything for the next day. So, this semester I have committed myself to follow point by point the schedule I came up with. Also, for this course the best thing for me is to be on top of the material, finish all giving assignments at least one day prior to the due date.   Hopefully these approaches will help me to successfully accomplish this semester.


My first impression was that, i didn't know that there was going to be a lot of use of technology. However i am familiar with some of the tools presented.But some of them are very new to me and i have never used them before. This online environment is very unique compared to other courses i have taken online before. The other classes were strictly canvas unlike this class. I like the idea that the instructor has thought about how some of these techniques might help us in the future in everyday life. I do not have a specific skill that i want to work on however i am very open to learning new skills.


My first impression about this class was that, I feel like there will be a lot of reading and writing which I’m not very good at it.   I watched the video about growth mindset and now when I am thinking about the difficulties that I could encounter during this course, I feel a lot more motivated. This is a new experience for me nothing like any course I have yet taken before. I can’t wait to face the challenges that this course has to offer me. I’m excited about one assignment which is the writing and hope that it will help me develop better writing skills. Also, the extra credit assignment that caught my attention and I think I will enjoy doing is the Famous Last Words Simply because it’s my chance to unwind and talk about how my week was, I believe it should be fairly easy points to gain.

My Take On Growth Mindset

Some say that individuals   are characterized by two different approaches. On one hand, there are those who believe in a growth mentality. On the other hand, there are those who believe in a fixed mindset. When we define ourselves by the first idea , effort and failure become tools for learning and build in us the path of success . People who develop growth mindset wish to awaken their own potential through work, consistency and innovation in order to achieve success or well-being.

Introduction of a future Mechanical Engineer

Hello, my name is Edgar this is my second semester at OU. I’m happy to return after this wonderful Christmas break I had. I wanted to travel for the holidays but unfortunately, I was not able to, due to work. But, Instead I got to spend time with my family and friends. I am a mechanical engineer major, The thing I like the most about my major is that it is a broad field you get to work in so many areas and since I’m someone who likes to discover and learn new things, I feel like this is the perfect field for me. I know a lot of you guys are probably wondering what a mechanical engineer is doing here well like I said I like to learn about new things so here I am writing a blog.  Last semester I got to do a cool project which was building my own drone.  During this semester which is the most important because of the courses I’m taking, I hope to accomplish all my courses with a good grade. My short-term goal is to learn something I have never learned before something totally new

My favorite storybooks

Beowulf image by H.E Marshall                                                                                                                 The first storybook is about Beowulf a story of a man who was a good warrior. Before reading the story i was not familiar with it. however, after reading the introduction and some of the story i got a good idea of who he was. furthermore,  the introduction was good and informing, as well as the design and title was very eye catching. the pictures chosen and the writers lay out was unique and easy to navigate. i especially liked the pictures chosen because they went well with the story. this reading will be very helpful for me and i will be happy to consider some of the writers ideas for my own design. The second story that i found interesting was about The Great Pyramids of Giza titled The Truth Behind The Pyramids. the word or the title was not new for me but i found new information while reading more about the story. howeve

PARIS, Eiffel Tower ( My favorite place.)

this is the link address                                                                           The Eiffel Tower                                                                     location: France (Paris)                                                                    this image is by Tara Jessop