My favorite storybooks

image by H.E Marshall 


The first storybook is about Beowulf a story of a man who was a good warrior. Before reading the story i was not familiar with it. however, after reading the introduction and some of the story i got a good idea of who he was. furthermore,  the introduction was good and informing, as well as the design and title was very eye catching. the pictures chosen and the writers lay out was unique and easy to navigate. i especially liked the pictures chosen because they went well with the story. this reading will be very helpful for me and i will be happy to consider some of the writers ideas for my own design.

The second story that i found interesting was about The Great Pyramids of Giza titled The Truth Behind The Pyramids. the word or the title was not new for me but i found new information while reading more about the story.
however the introduction contained  a sufficient amount of information for a new reader to have a clear picture of what the story is about. also i find the design quite interesting especially the fact that the author chose  a theme that is very related with the view of Egypt. in addition the tittle was simple and straightly related to the story. although the images chosen could of been better i felt they were quit simple.  

  finally, the third story that caught  my attention was about The Tales Of the African Mother. this story was  unfamiliar to me. but I enjoyed reading it because it concerned my continent. I found the title simple and very interesting.  the introduction contained a lot of  information  and the  use of simple words that were very easy to understand. the next thing i found very interesting was  the design the  writer kept it very plan and easy to navigate.
   the link to these storybooks are:


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